44 Manning Street Kingswood, 2747 NSW
This property is on the market for the first time in 50 years, with the potential to create a boarding house community, build a granny flat out the back or knock it down and build a duplex (STCA), this opportunity won't last forever.
The variety of options are certainly substantial with 645sqm of R3 Zoned land. This home offers enough room to renovate into a modern gem or detonate and turn into something completely new! With the new Western Sydney Airport just around the corner know the future is bright for this fantastic neighbourhood.
Convenience at its finest, take away or dine-in lives at the end of the street just 350m away, across the road from the shops you'll find Chapman Gardens Oval which includes Baseball Fields, a Cricket Pitch, footy field and an outdoor playground where the whole family can enjoy some fresh air. Everyone's education is moments away as you will back onto the local Kingswood Primary School, which neighbours Western Sydney University.
DISCLAIMER: Whilst we deem this information to be reliable the agent cannot guarantee its accuracy and accepts no responsibility for such. Interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.
Inspection of this property is available strictly by arrangement only.
Ben Reid